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It's time to stop avoiding drawing hands when I make a piece. So I practiced today, at work xD It was calm and boring... I used to be absolutely horrible at drawing hands. But this time I did pretty good - for what I usually create xD I made a few mistakes tho, but honestly I'm already happy the way they turned out now! I couldn't do this a year ago!


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I found the art of Somefield recently, which inspires me greatly. I'm absolutely in love with the simplicity of color and the detail in the fine art.


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Look look!
I just received my Bunny necklace today! I bought it trough eBay. It's from Riky and Nina Unfortunately the site doesn't work for me ;( If you want one too, you better be quick. It's selling out fast! No wonder, look at it's adorable face!


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This is what he bought me :3 Isn't he a great boyfriend?

4 things I'd want but not really need

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1. Jewelry
I currently got such boring jewelry... I'd give anything for stuff like this! Especially the skulls and antlers make my heart race with love.
2. Sushi
Well, this one explaisn for itself. Doesn't it look delicious? I hope I can go to the sushi restaurant quick again, I'm hungry for some deliciousness!
3. Heels
Isn't this just epic? Any outfit will look amazing with such shoes...
4. Lots of candy
For a bit of happiness, a cupcake would do the trick! And guess what? I actually got a huge Chocolate Heart Box with Chocolate Heart Cupcakes inside it from my boyfriend the other day! He bought them in Berlin :3 I'll post a picture of it once I will open the package.
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